JJ Plush’s Punishment – An Old-Fashioned Girdle and Bondage Tale

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JJ Plush’s Punishment – An Old-Fashioned Girdle and Bondage Tale
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JJ is zipping up her long leg panty girdle when Adara comes in and starts making fun of her for wearing such old fashioned lingerie. JJ doesn’t find it funny and decides to punish her brat friend by making her put on a similar panty girdle and bullet bra after a bare bottomed spanking. She is gagged and cuffed to a post and spanked in her satin bottomed girdle. Then she gets an over the knee spanking and waist cincher. She gets her yellow panties stuffed in her mouth and hogtied on the bed with rope and then electrical tape to make the situation even more uncomfortable. Poor Adara, she should stop being such a bitch. buy the lingerie at justfigures